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Historical Presentation of your Activity on Twitter

Based on your level, Free (1 month), Standard (3 months) or Advanced (12 months), you get easy ACCESS to:

• All your Tweets
• All Mentions (people who mentioned you and you mentioned)
• All your Retweets (people you Retweeted and people who Retweeted you)
• All your Favorites (Tweets you favorited and your Tweets favorited by others) (in development)
• All your Lists (in development)


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Detailed ANALYSIS of your Twitter account and interactions

A display of various tools (tables, lists, graphs) to have a deeper insight of your Followers, Following and Tweets:

• Your Best Time To Tweet (to understand the best hour of the day and the best day of the week to tweet)
• Your Top Retweeters lists (to see who are your best retweeters)
• Your Top (Top 10,Top 25 or Top 100, depending on your level) of your Largest Followers (among your Followers, who are the most popular)
• And more Top Lists of your Followers (your Followers with the largest number of Tweets, your most inactive Followers, and so on ...)!
• A Your Top 10/Top 25 or Top 100 of your Largest Following (among your Following, the ones with the highest ration Followers/tweets) and more Top Lists
• A list of people you Follow who don’t follow you back (in development)


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Specific TIPS, based on your data and activity on Twitter

Generic and Contextual tips to help you execute the right engagement with your Twitter community:

• An Amplifier on each tool (table, graph or list) to explain the context
• Generic Tips to help you understand the best actions to perform in similar cases
• Contextual Tips to pinpoint the Call To Action, specifically relevant to one action
• Best practices to inform you about the latests strategies in social media (in development)
• Articles on on our blog retrieving the best points of views of experts in social media (in development)


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Easy-to-use tools to OPTIMIZE your efficiency on Twitter

Dedicated tools to facilitate your experience:

• The Twelixir Index to show you who to follow (ranked from 1 to 9, 9 being the best account to follow)
• The possibility for Premium users to Export to CSV lists (Your Followers/Following lists and your Tweets/Mentions Activities)
• Filter fields to enable you to optimize your search


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Modules to help you get more quality Followers

Probator (powered by Twelixir) is an advanced Module, to help you get more quality Followers:

• Search: to Target Followers based on your tags
• Probate: to follow people so as to probate them
• Ranking system: to specify if people are interesting or not to follow
• Manage: to validate the choice between Keep following or ot not probated accounts
• The Possibility to follow specific Users (on development)